'Da Blog.


Friday, June 30, 2006

Quinn (a.k.a. Squishy)

This is Quinn . . . Devon is typing and signed in . . .

"I like this picture, 'cause it's my favorite movie . . . and it has all of 'dem!"
"Hi, my name is Quinn, i'm 7, I'm in grade 2 now, i'm cute, i go to church, i do gymnastics (i'm gunna do 'dem in the olympics (you all had better come!!!)), i like to dance (like devon), AND my birthday's on Valentines day!!!!!!!"
"My favorite animal is a bunny!!!"
"My favourite colour is red."
"I love Devon!!!!!"
"Sietske is pretty, I like her!"
"Amber is really tall, but she likes bunnys, so that's good."
"Chloe looks like Devon! She's cool though!"
"Devon is my sister."

all that} quinn said!!!

Thursday, June 29, 2006


ain't she a cutie!!! i wuve her!!!!!!
She calls me Wevon!!!!



Happy know'n all of ya and hope to see you again soon!!!!!!!!!!

BYE de BYE I'm on dev's AND I'm a Freak and I'm Proud of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Syd (Devon's annoying sis)

Ise king of 'da world (and a ballerina!!!!) :)

(that gurl isn't me ) 8D




Wednesday, June 28, 2006

About Chloe. (:

'Kay. So I'm Chloe. And I'm King of the World. (:
I'm me.
And I'm cool.
So yeah. I pwn you.
I'm tall. At least, taller then them. -points at Dev and Siets-
So. =P I like my camera.
I'm just that awesome.
I love taking random pictures.
I also love rock climbing.
And being random with my friends.
And swimming rocks.
And I'm being more sportiful.
'Cause I'm cool like Siets.
I'm a very picky eater.
And I wanna be a vegitarian.
And I love neopets. 'Cause it's cool.
And my friends rock. x)
And my hair's curly. Which I hate.
And my friends are freaks.
And I like music.
And so yeah.
I'm gonna grow up and live in Europe with Sietske, and own a dog.
'Cause we're cool like that.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Chloe the freak

So this is Chloe the Freak.

Inside Jokes!!!!


So here's the schedual (that's how Siets said how to spell it.) for the book.
Chloe has it the first two weeks of July.
Then Sietske has it the last two weeks of July.
Amber has it the first half of August.
And Devon has it last.


Aw, I'm gonna miss you guys all /so/ much this summer!
But remember the book.
And remember to write. 'Kay?
But really? Me and Siets are barely ever going to be here, and Dev's at a ballet camp, and Ber is doing something....
...which is why we have to keep in touch.
'Remember when you're back in town, phone us, 'kay?
You know our numbers. At least, you should.
I'm going to be so lonely.
And I'm probably gonna cry on the last day of school.
And make me look like an Emo loser.
But that's okay.
I can't wait for next year.
But I think I'm gonna miss Ginette. Even if she does hate Dev.
Which I don't think she really does.
Anyways, I hope you like the blog.
I'm gonna send you the url like right now.
-goes to send the URL-
Lotsa love, Chloe.

Some of our friends/random people in the hallway.

So these are our friends.
Or just random people in the halls.

Random Pictures.

So Yeah. Our random pictures.
'Cause we're king of the world.

Our Pictures!!!

So this is us.
We're so cool.


So this is our blog.
It was made by Chloe. (:
But we all post here.
(We as in Chloe, Devon, Sietske, and Amber.)